Understand God's Will For Your Life

  • Develop a God given vision
  • Set God focused goals
  • Design a "Rule of Life"
  • Stay on track each day

"Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is one who keeps the Law."

-Proverbs 29:18

Develop Daily Disciplines

  • Scripture Memory
  • Gratitude
  • Prayer
  • Bible Study

"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness."

1 Timothy 4:7

Make The Most of Your Time

  • Monthly Calendar
  • Weekly Preview
  • Daily Schedule
  • Weekly Review

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil."

-Ephesians 5:15-16

Leave a Legacy

  • Use it in discipleship groups and relationships
  • Look back and see answered prayers
  • A written history for each season of life
  • A living legacy for generations to come

"This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may praise the LORD"

-Psalm 102:18

The Power Of Writing Things Down

In our digital world, many people have lost the art of using a pen and paper. Research has shown that writing things down has a remarkable power to enhance various aspects of our lives, from memory and learning to productivity and goal achievement. Here are some compelling statistics that highlight the effectiveness of writing things down:

  1. Memory Improvement: Research suggests that writing things down can significantly improve memory retention. According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, students who took notes by hand retained information better compared to those who typed notes on a computer.
  2. Goal Achievement: People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. A study conducted by Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University found that individuals who wrote down their goals, shared them with a friend, and sent weekly updates to that friend were on average 33% more successful in accomplishing their goals than those who merely formulated goals in their minds.
  3. Increased Productivity: Writing down tasks and plans can boost productivity. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that individuals who wrote down their goals and action commitments accomplished significantly more than those who didn't write down their goals.
  4. Stress Reduction: Writing about stressful events can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Research published in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment indicates that expressive writing can lead to significant reductions in stress-related symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.
  5. Clarity of Thought: Writing things down can clarify thoughts and facilitate problem-solving. When we put our thoughts on paper, we can better organize them and identify solutions. This process is especially useful for complex tasks or decisions.
  6. Accountability: Writing down commitments creates a sense of accountability. Whether it's personal goals or professional tasks, having a written record holds us accountable for following through on our intentions.
  7. Creativity Enhancement: Writing regularly stimulates creativity and ideation. Journaling, for example, has been shown to enhance creativity by allowing individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a free-form manner.
  8. Health Benefits: Expressive writing has been linked to physical health benefits, such as improved immune function and reduced blood pressure. The act of writing about emotional experiences may boost the immune system and promote overall well-being.

These statistics underscore the significant impact that The Discipleship Planner can have on various aspects of our lives, making it a valuable tool for personal and professional development.

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